The PHD Comics’ Unofficial Guide to the Unknown Universe
Daniel Whiteson, particle physicist and co-author (with Jorge Cham) of We Have No Idea, recently popped into The Strand to demystify some of our biggest science questions and share his personal list of book recommendations! Strand booksellers were eager to work with Whiteson, whose brilliant new release attempts to cover the enormous gaps in our cosmological knowledge with easy-to-digest infographics and entertaining explanations. Dark matter? Other dimensions? Time travel? Aliens? If you want to check out even more books on the subject, Whiteson’s got you covered, sharing helpful blurbs about why he recommends each of these titles.
- For understanding quantum gravity:
Reality Is Not What It Seems — Carlo Rovelli
Rovelli gives a crisp, precise but digestible introduction to the context of the clash between quantum mechanics and general relativity, and guides us through the development of a possible resolution.
2. For more on extra dimensions of space and time:
Warped Passages — Lisa Randall
The mysteries of gravity and the dimensions of space are two deep questions in physics. Randall describes what it was like to be at the center of a possible solution that tied them together.
3. For more on string theory and theories of everything:
The Elegant Universe — Brian Greene
A gorgeous description of Greene’s view of the Universe at it smallest scale, and the majestic beauty of string theory.
4. For more on gravitational waves and black holes:
Black Hole Blues — Janna Levin
A beautiful description of the search for black holes and gravitational waves, by a top-rate physicist and an excellent writer.
5. For understanding the big bang and inflation:
Our Mathematical Universe — Max Tegmark
A beautifully written book that gives an excellent, understandable account of inflation and the life of a cosmologist. In addition, Tegmark explores some of his own personal philosophical ideas about the mathematical underpinnings of the Universe.
6. For more on the Higgs boson:
The Particle at the End of the Universe— Sean Carroll
Carroll unpacks the hunt for the Higgs boson and what its discovery means in the larger context of our understanding of the Universe.
7. For understand quantum mechanics:
Seven Brief Lessons in Physics — Carlo Rovelli
Some of the core questions in physics, including quantum mechanics, explained with elegant prose that helps you understand why the questions are so simple yet deep and powerful.
8. For more on speed-of-light travel and warp drives:
Time Travel and Warp Drives — Allan Everett and Thomas Roman
An impressively accessible book on a deeply technical question: can we travel faster than light or back in time? Everett and Roman give a clear explanation with a minimum of jargon.
9. For more on anti-matter:
The Mystery of the Missing Antimatter — Helen Quinn and Yossi Nir
A detailed and clear dive into the question of why our Universe is made of matter rather than anti-matter.
10. For understanding time:
From Eternity to Here — Sean Carroll
Carroll is an expert at clear writing and on the scientific study of time, and both come through in this book.
11. For more on searching for alien life:
The Erie Silence — Paul Davies
A fun and provocative book from an insider in the search for extra terrestrial life. Davies has thought deeply about what it would be like to hear a message and how — and whether — we should respond!
Honorable Mentions:
For more on dark matter and dark energy:
- Hear of Darkness: Unraveling the Mysteries of the Invisible Universe — Jeremiah Ostriker and Simon Mitton
- Cosmic Rays and Particle Physics — Gaisser, Engel Resconi
- Particle Zoo — Gavin Hesketh
We had a blast making scientific discoveries with Daniel Whiteson! His new book, co-authored by Jorge Cham, will be out May 9, 2017, but you can follow Strand on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook for a chance to win an exclusive signed copy of this illustrated science book — perfect for anyone who’s curious about all the universe’s big questions.